Bye! (or better: I'm moving)
Well, I guess this will be my last entry in News - not because I don't like it, no, I seriously love my internet diary here! But LJ proved to be more suitable for such a thing.
First of all, you can post direct comments to the entries there. And I can respond to them. Besides, you can follow me and get informed every time I post a new entry.
You see, there's no need to be sad, because if you like my diary you can just follow my LJ and that will make everything even easier than it was before! :)
Here's the link again:
See you there! ;)
Some saturday-evening-blahblah
Heyo, my homies!
I think one post a week is not enough for me after all - I have so much to tell you!
First of all, there was halloween. You've probably seen the cute pumpkins and the ghost muffin on my LJ. If not, you check it out: http://awieatti.livejournal.com/2892.html There's also a picture and a video for halloween - if you haven't seen it yet either, just click on "Picture Gallery" or "Videos".
The autumn vacations are nearly over now *sob sob* which means that I'll have to do much school stuff tomorrow to get prepared for monday. Today, I couldn't bring myself to do homework. Why? Because my amazon package full of Fake mangas arrived!!! Woohoo!!
Well you know, until now I only read Fake online - shame on me, I know. And now I've ordered Fake in german. It's quite interesting because there are certain differences between the english and the german version. Read more about it here: http://awieatti.livejournal.com/3183.html
I'm quite hungry right now because yesterday, one of my wisdom teeth got removed. It's still swollen and hurts and therefore I can't eat properly. I hope it will get better soon. I don't want to go to school with a thick, swollen cheek. (Yes, I look quite funny, but please don't laugh.)
Anyway, I think that's it for now - and don't worry, I will work on completing this website since there is still so much information missing. I'm really sorry for that, but please don't give up on me already. I promise to work on it! :)
(About animated icons & what else I did recently)
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the friday evening news! Okay, I admit, it's not evening yet, it's still early afternoon - and I just woke up. Autumn vacations are wonderful! :)
Last week, I spent much time at Life Journal where I wrote some Gimp tutorials and had contact to newer and older internet friends. People always say that online friends are no real friends, but I beg to differ. In my opinion, friendship is about having the same interests, understanding each other, communication, and of course liking each other. And this is all possible over the internet! Of course, it would be awesome to meet all my internet friends in real life one day, but as long as this is probably not about to happen anytime soon, I'm just happy with the situation as it is.
I was really productive lately, working on said tutorials, videos, icons (I figured out how to make animated icons! Hooray!) and, OMG, I even got some writing done!
And still, my mum thinks that I'm lazy. That's so mean. Well, I admit it, I'm an internet- and computer-freak, I like to sleep until noon and then being awake until midnight and longer, and I spent too much time in my room, working on projects that only few people are even interested in.
But I guess that's just how I am.
I survived Brussels!
It's true: I'm back from Belgium, and I'm still alive! Damn, I'm good! :D
I experienced so many new things, both positive and negative, and I have so much to tell you!
I saw the Atomium, the Grande Place, the European Parliament, the NATO military Headquarters, the Magritte Museum, many gothic buildings and churches, bars, cafés and a youth hostel full of mildew.
I met drunk people, scottish people in kilts, japanese people with cameras, nice people, mean people, happy people, sick people, sporty people, poor people and wealthy people.
There were a burning youth hostel, an alcohol poisoning, scary homeless people, stress and communication problems.
We arrived with 40 students and three teachers on Monday and came back with 32 students and two teachers yesterday, on Friday.
But still, I kinda enjoyed myself, believe it or not! :D
Now, if you're interested in the half successful, half unsuccessful (horror) trip to Belgium, check out my life journal: http://awieatti.livejournal.com/
I'll make sure to post a little summary of my voyage there either today or tomorrow. :)
Besides, I've decided that from now on, I won't post news once a day, but only once a week. Just to save some space ;)
Last minute news (+ dragons!)
Last news before I go to Belgium! So listen carefully! ;D Just kidding. (As if I would ever write something important!)
With a mobile phone full of music, videos and FAKE fanart (I don't have enough space for the whole manga *sob*), I think I'll survive the next week quite nicely.
Only problem left: I won't be able to read Crimson Spell online as often as I would like to because of the expensive internet connection and because I will be in action the whole week (did I already mention the hypermotivated french teacher taking part of our trip to Brussels? She'll keep us busy 24/7.)
Yeah, I'm officially addicted to Crimson Spell since yesterday. Can't help it. The manga is simply too epic! (and with yaoi, too! Yay!) Well, normally I'm not a big fantasy fan, but after watching this AMV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVY62M9vt0s, I just had to start reading it - and couldn't stop. I hope there will be an OVA someday, or maybe even an anime series!
PS: more fantasy stuff I love since yesterday: "How to train your dragon", an animated movie that my family and I watched in the evening. It's soooo cute!! You really, really have to check it out as well!
HANDY!!! Errr... I mean: MOBILE PHONE!!!
I'm not cured yet from my confuse-handy-with-mobile-phone-disease, and I think I never will, lol.
But anyway, my MOBILE PHONE finally arrived today! It's a Samsung Galaxy Pocket, therefore it has an extremely small touchpad and I always hit the wrong letter when I try to write something. It will take me some time to get used to that...
And now I only have to figure out how the phone works...^^ Actually, I'm not a very mobile phone friendly person, I prefer computers. And now I have to learn to work with a smart phone! Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...
So don't worry if I won't keep you updated the next week when I'll be up and away in Belgium. If you won't get any news from me anymore, it's because (a) the internet connection is too slow, (b) the internet connection is too expensive or (c) I just can't cope with the phone.
But don't worry, if that'll be the case, I will tell you about my voyage afterwards. :)
The city never sleeps
I stayed up really long yesterday because I waited for my classmate to log in on facebook so we could chat about our presentation.
Well, the fool didn't show up until 11:30 pm. And then it was too late to do much.
Luckily, I could get up later then usual today, so yesterday night I decided to just go to bed and prepare the presentation in the following morning.
But what really shocked me yesterday night was that I wasn't the only one awake: facebook was crowded, and when I looked out of my window across the street, I could see the flickering light of a TV behind every third windowpane.
Well, the city never sleeps... But I'm wondering how people who stay up so late every night manage to survive. I need my eight hours of sleep, otherwise I feel like death warmed over.
Busy little worker-ant
I'm a really busy little worker ant today. This is what I've achieved already today:
- managed to survive 8 hours of school
- messed up a maths test
- danced with my school mates (dancing is our sports subject this term)
- ate bratwursts, mashed potatoes and sauerkraut (german clichee ftw! xD)
- checked my e-mails
And this is what I still have to do:
- do homework (that will take some hours)
- finish a video (that will take me even longer, but I have to and I want to!)
- prepare a presentation together with a really annoying know-it-all-classmate (that will take centuries)
- do an art project (but I won't even start that because the other pupils had two lessons time to do that and I don't want to work on it all night long)
And it's already afternoon! I think I'm slightly starting to panic. So I guess I finish here and start working. (Let's hope my art teacher won't kill me tomorrow...)
Winter is coming
Brrr, I'm soooo cold!! And I even wore my warmest winter anorak today!
But it's getting colder and colder with every passing day. Winter is definitely approaching. I hope we'll have snow this year!
(By the way, I just came home from school for an hour because I have a free period, and guess what I saw: an excavator at a gas station! I mean, have you ever seen something like that? :D)
Today, I was at the church Gethsemane with my religion class and we talked to five witnesses of the Second World War (the oldest woman was 92!) who told us a lot about the past, especially the history of the church which was build during the war.
Afterwards, we were all flattened. It's so hard to imagine how life had been only a few decades ago! They told us so many gruesome stories, but also many heartwarming ones, and I'd like to repeat them all to you but it would take me days to write them all down.
Anyway, so many people died and suffered during the war and that was so totally unnecessary! I can't believe there are still people who support this brown nazi shit.
(BEAT 'EM UP! Just kidding. Although I'd really like to sometimes...)
Back to school
I'm cured!
Well, basically anyway. I'm still coughing a bit. But at least I was at school again today - and had to spontaneously write a french exam. Yes, spontaneously. Hypermotivated french teacher strikes again!
I just hope I can hold on to my newly regained health until Friday in two weeks because next week, I'll be up and away in Belgium. Brussels, to be precise. I also hope I can keep updating you daily and maybe post some photos of the city.
That reminds me, I wanted to buy a new mobile phone for the voyage because I my current mobile phone doesn't have access to the internet. And one week without internet - are you kidding me?! Besides, I need a new mobile phone anyway. Mine is sooo old already and can nothing but making phone calls and sending SMS and playing sudoku.
(Gah, I always want to write handy instead of mobile phone! We call it handy in Germany.)
Homophobe / uptight Google Chrome?!
It's really strange. Every time I try to get on an internet site with some explicit yaoi smut, the site just remains blank. Even if it has loaded already!
I've already checked my security settings but as I suspected, the internet childlock did not activate itself again (my parents have already de-acitvated this stupid security setting some years ago, phew!) and there are no other activated safety programs specialized on protecting me from the bad, bad videos, pictures and in general websites I'd like to see.
Did you have this problem before? It's really weird because some sites are just not shown, others are. I can't even see some of my "Favorites"-sites anymore! I mean, they worked some time ago, so why doesn't Google Chrome display them now?!
Strange, strange, strange...
Oh by the way, I think I'm returning to school tomorrow. *sigh* I'm still not completely recovered, but I don't want to miss any more exams, let alone the school stuff itself.
Telepathy? - Thoughts about gay barbie dolls and birthday stuff.
I dreamed of barbie dolls last night. Don't ask me why.
The scary thing is that my sister dreamed of barbies, too! And of gay kens, no less!
Well, we don't know if the ken dolls in her dream were really gay, but they had painted fingernails... That's a bit gay, isn't it? (Yeah, yeah, stereotypes for the win, I know...)
One FAKE AMV is nearly finished, woohoo! (One other is still in progress). I worked on it until 1am, but don't tell my parents, okay? ;) Anyway, I won't upload it before the 19. of october because it's going to be a present for Pyreflysky (I know her from Youtube and Life Journal) who celebrates her birthday that day.
Speaking of birthday: I was going to go to a birthday party of a good friend of mine today, but I'm still too sick to attempt it, damn it. It's her eighteenth birthday, for crying out loud! And she is one of my best friends, besides we know each other since first grade! *sob sob*
Well, I'll get her a present anyway. I thought about buying her something and additionally, make a video for her, too, but I already donated her a video last year and she didn't seem very interested in it. It's really sad sometimes that noone of my friends is interested in videos. *sigh*
Creative explosion
Attention please, creative explosion ahead! Yes, I feel incredibly creative at the moment, especially when it comes to videos.
Actually, I just wanted to finally finish my FAKE AMV, but the more I work on it, the more new video ideas I get.
Besides, I have the urgent need to write again because I have so many new ideas for the original story I'm working on (or should be working on) at the moment.
Arrrggh! I don't know what to do first!
In that case, maybe I should be grateful to be sick because my current state allows me to stay at home so I have at least more time to realize my ideas. But then there are still annoying things like homework, applications and the inevitable need to sleep...
Ok folks, I get going - I have MUCH to do! ;)
Listen to the rain...
It won't stop raining. The sky is grey and I'm alone at home because I'm still sick. Well, at least the cat keeps me company.
Now if it could just stop raining! This autumn weather is really depressing me.
Besides, I finally want to be healthy again. Why is it so easy to catch a cold and so hard to get rid of it?
I guess I should at least use the time that I have to spend alone at home. I could work on my FAKE AMV for a while, and afterwards I could watch Kizuna. I've only watched it once and I liked it very much, and today I awoke with the urge to watch it again.
Yeah, that sounds like an awesome plan to me. See you! ^^
German Unity Day
It's German Unity Day today - the national day of Germany. For those who don't know the german history very well: We celebrate the fall of the Berlin wall (you see it in the picture), the downfall of the GDR (=German Democratic Republic) and the German reunification.
I think it's remarkable that all these events which happened between 1989 and 1990 took place in a very peaceful way. This proves that we Germans are not all violent nazis, doesn't it? ;) I find it sad that many people still have this clichee of us as an aggressive folk.
It's time to erase this clichee. Germany has changed - in a positive way. But we always have to remember the terror of the past, too, and be glad and proud that these times are over now and that we can live in peace.
Let's hope that Germany will never be divided again (so many families suffered from it, including the family of my father) and that peace will always defeat war and violence in the end. Not just in Germany, but all over the world.
(I nearly wrote "Amen" now, but that would be a little too pathetic, wouldn't it? ;D)
What a night!
I didn't sleep much last night. Not only because I was constantly coughing, but also because I had slept so long yesterday that I wasn't tired at all.
At around midnight, I gave up pretending to be asleep, snatched a book and read for a few hours. At ca 3am, I got finally tired. I slept only four hours, so I was extremely tired when my parents woke me up at seven o'clock.
So I slept the whole day until 4pm. It's half past 8pm now and my mum wants me to go sleeping again! But right now, I am NOT tired! And I haven't done anything today because I was asleep the whole time - I have so much to do, but I doubt my parents will let me do it in the middle of the night.
I bet this night will be just as boring as the last one... maybe I will read again if I absolutely cannot sleep. Which will very likely be the case.
Dear Voice of Reason: don't even dare to turn up right now!! I'm angry, no, not just angry, but FURIOUS right now, so I don't have the nerve to endure you trying to calm me down!
So, I was at the doctor today. Two times, to be more specific, and as if that wasn't enough, I have to go a THIRD time this afternoon!
I stood up early today and went there, just to be told that the doctor was not there yet and I should come back at quarter past twelve. Okay, I thought, I'll be back at something in between twelve and one pm when the doctor is available then.
Now I came back and was told that I was "ten minutes too late" and that I should come back at four pm because the doc was busy at the moment. "Too late"! My ass! They could have said more clearly that it was a fixed appointment rather than a vague "The doctor is available again as of quarter past twelve." That sounds like any time after 12.15h would be okay!
Besides, it were only ten minutes! Ten friggin minutes!! If they were so busy, couldn't they just medicate another patient in this time who was already waiting in the waiting room? And squeeze in a few minutes for me afterwards?! Hell, all I need is a fucking medical attestation anyway, only because I'm missing this stupid exam at school today and need an attestation as excuse! (Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother to go to the doctor!) It wouldn't take longer than five minutes (at the most!) to write out this attestation for me, wouldn't it?! Since when are doctor's offices so damn inflexible?
But nooo, I had to go home again. And come back in a few hours. Of course, I don't have anything better to do anyway!! By the way, it's not that doctors are always punctual. How often have I sat in a waiting room for HOURS even when I had an appointment?! But ten minutes delay from my side are too much, or what?!
Damn you! DAMN YOU ALL !!!
(Who is exaggerating? I'M NOT EXAGGERATING!!)
Oh my God! Brit_Columbia has found this page! Maybe I'm just overreacting, but I feel so damn honored!
Oh no, and the page isn't even complete - and she'll probably find tons of stupid things I wrote here - and...
...and maybe I shouldn't make myself worry so much about everything, dammit! But then again, she's my idol, and I'm just...
Listen to me, the voice of reason! I said stop!
Stop what?
Your senseless whining! Isn't there some more interesting stuff to tell visitors, for example that you temporarely lost your voice due to your stupid cold and that you won't go to school tomorrow and miss a French exam and that your hypermotivated french teacher will kill you?
That's boring! Who cares about my voice, anyway? We're on the internet, for crying out loud, so noone is affected by it anyway!
Oh-ho! For crying out loud - nice phrase! Your english teacher would be proud of you. See, you can speak english after all, can't you?
So stop whining now, will you? Nobody will kill you for your English and besides, why did you create this website to begin with if you didn't want anyone to see it? Silly girl.
It's not that I don't want... oh, forget it. You won't understand me anyway.
Here we go again! Didn't I just tell you to stop feeling sorry for yourself?! Now, would you PLEASE shut up, just for a little while? I'll manage the "News" post for today, otherwise it's going to be far to long (which it is already anyway).
Whatever you say. *pouts and walks away*
Hello, my dear fellows! Voice of reason here to tell you the truly important things:
1. The sickness of our dearly beloved creator of this website is one tough bastard that will probably stay here for another week. (God help me.)
2. Progress on the FAKE AMV! Finally!!
3. I've decided to post an easy tutorial on how to create Avatars (like this slightly scary little picture of JJ here) at my LJ. Go check it out! The link is in the post below.
See, we're done already! Faster than I assumed. I think I, the voice of reason, should write the next posts as well.
What?! No way! This is MY website!
Well... we'll see which one of us gets to the laptop first tomorrow. *smirks* Let yourself be surprised!
But I'm SICK! I can't run as fast as you! That's not fair!
Hey, do you listen to me?! Hey?! Hey!!
Getting better
I still feel shitty, but not as shitty as yesterday. My headache is nearly gone, I don't feel like I'm burning up anymore and I can actually taste something again. In exchange, my throat is killing me more than ever. But hey, at least I slept well last night and I feel a bit more alive today.
Besides, I have two awesome parents who are cooking me chicken soup and other stuff that is supposed to make you healthy again in no time. It's really practical to live at home and have caring parents. Especially since my sister is sick, too. Poor Mum and Dad, they always have to nurture their sick daughters. It's the same with us every year.
Well, but as I said, I'm getting better. And with my returning energy, I'm getting creative and busy again, too. For example, I just created my own Life Journal: http://awieatti.livejournal.com/
Visit it if you like, though I guess that I'll post there the same "News" as here. But LJ just has the advantage that people can comment there directly on the posts, so that's why I'm doing this.
By the way, my sister and I found out last evening that English is a much more pleasing language for sick people than German. We just talked in english the whole evening and our sore throats already felt a bit better. No wonder that Germans get a cold so often - it's the language that makes our throats hurt!
Still sick
My cold isn't getting better. In fact, I even feel worse than yesterday. I couldn't sleep tonight and I'm not sure anymore if I will really go to school again next monday.
But I guess complaining doesn't help. Better distract myself. Reading sounds nice to me.
Speak of the devil
The picture explains pretty well how I'm feeling right now. My nose is running, my head is aching and my throat feels as if there's a big load of porridge stuck in it. So, put in a nutshell, I'm sick. Speak of the devil.
I didn't feel up to eight hours of school, including a math test, my hypermotivated french teacher, sports, drafty class rooms and hundreds of sick pupils everywhere around me. So I decided to stay home and get well as fast as possible.
All forenoon, I did nothing else than sleeping and drinking tea. Oh, and I just watched the FAKE OVA. Laughter is supposed to make you healthy, isn't it? :) Besides, I haven't watched it in a long time.
I hope I get well soon. Thank God it's thursday already. That means I can stay home three more days without missing too much school stuff.
PS: Yesterday, Brit_Columbia posted a new chapter of Justice!! Ohmygawd!! I nearly got a heart attack when I saw it, but a good kind of heart attack, if that's even possible! :D
... and ACTION!
Yesterday, I finally managed to work on my radio play. It is a school project that I'm working on at the moment with three of my class mates. Well, basically, it's finished now.
Of course, my friends, especially one of them who is a little perfectionist, still wants to improve this and that. And of course I'm the one who has to work on it since noone of the others knows how to work with good, old Audacity (a free, simple audio program).
However, I'm glad that most of the work is done by now. My english exam today went well too, I really can't complain. Now the only BIG homework left is to read 10 (!) pages of a french story AND work on it with the help of a few writing tasks. Have I ever mentioned that my french teacher is a sadomasochistic workaholic for expecting us to work as much as she does?!
Okay, okay, maybe it is just fair but... No, it is not fair, damn it!! I still wanna have my free time and finally get to work on stories and pictures and videos and stuff, for Pete's sake! School is such a time killer. :(
*calms down again* I feel like I used the word "work" far too often in this entry. Will not happen again, I promise.
When I look outside (I'm sitting in my sister's room at the moment), I see the fiery red leaves of a big maple tree. It's getting autumn, I guess. As I excited the oppressive school building today, the air was fresh and smelled like rain and another sweetish scent from the sugar beet factories outside the city. I know this scent since my childhood and I really like it. It awakes memories, you know.
Maybe autumn isn't as crappy as I always tend to believe, despite rain and coldness and wind and runny noses and tons of exams....
Okay, I was lying. Now I'm depressed again. Autumn IS crappy.
I knew it!
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!!
No, don't worry, I'm not mutating to Light Yagami (Death Note insider *wink wink*), I just figured something out.
It's about the book Faserland. Do you know it? Well, it was never translated in english (only russian and japanese and lithuanian and... wtf?!), so probably not. It's our school reading in my German lessons for the time being.
Well, and I've always noticed that the protagonist talks a lot about gays. Okay, not really a lot, but he mentions them here and there and sees gays everywhere. I've always wondered if he himself is gay, too...
And now I know it!! He is gay!! I was right all along!! *dances happily*
(My classmates weren't as thrilled as I, especially the boys - haha - but I like the idea! How often do you read a book at school where the protagonist is gay?!)
I found out because I got a worksheet today with a fictional dialogue between the protagonist and his friend Alexander. The text is called "The coming out of the protagonist". Do I need to say more? :D
The funny thing about it is that we HAVE TO read this dialogue. I mean, what's the "HAVE TO" for, anyway? I'm voluntarily reading stuff like that every afternoon in my freetime!
Which reminds me - I should get going to check out the new chapter of "Hard Skin", a story that I'm currently reading at my favorite story page BoyxBoy.de, a website for homosexual original stories: http://boyxboy.de/bxb2009/efiction/
It's in german, but maybe some of you would like to visit it nevertheless. :)
I have to read now! ^^ See you!
Mood: Exhausted -.-
I didn't really do anything today. Well, except eight hours of school, of which three hours were already spent on writing my biology exam. And from that point, it got even more and more exhausting because in the next lessons, I had a teacher who is always a real busy little worker ant and expects us to be like that, too.
Besides, I fear that I'm getting a cold. My sister is just recovering from a minor cold while the whole school is already busily getting sick - right on time for the start of the exam writing season. This wednesday, I'm already writing my next exam. Must not think of it! At least, it's only english.
Oh, did I mention that I have biology in english, too? That's why of course we wrote the exam in english as well. One task was to describe the major physiological differences between a neanderthal and a modern human. From time to time, I involuntarily stopped midway in one sentence while my thoughts started drifting into directions they were definitely not allowed to go in the middle of an important exam.
But hey, what would you think about when you had to describe long legs, hip bones, broad shoulders, muscles and body heat, for God's sake?! Seriously... ^^
However, after I managed to crawl home after school, feeling sick and tired and totally exhausted, I wasn't in the mood for anything except eating and - can't you guess? - reading fanfiction à la Brit_Columbia, of course. I'm officially addicted and you should get addicted soon as well, or else you might get pretty annoyed by my constant worshipping, lol.
So, as you see, I have my reasons for being lazy. But still, I'm extremely angry at myself for not making any progress with my FAKE AMV, my writing project, my applications and some more or less urgent school projects. Grrrr!!
I really, really need to work on my self-discipline! At least I manage to keep this diary running. Hm... I guess maybe I should start with my homework NOW. Or some other thing that needs to be done. Yeah yeah, I'm always getting busy not until the evening, I know. But tell me, am I the only one with this "when-the-sun-goes-down-the-lazy-couchpotatoe-turns-into-a-busy-little-worker-ant"-syndrom? I hope not. ^^
(P.S.: In three months is christmas!! Yay!! :D Okay, that was random.)
A lazy sunday
I just noticed that I always write the date in the german way. My english teacher would kill me, haha.
The weekend is nearly over again and I still haven't learned for my biology exam tomorrow, cleaned up my room, worked on my FAKE AMV or written any applications. Instead, I've been chilling on the sofa all saturday and sunday, eating chocolate and reading Brit_Columbia's FAKE fanfictions and my favorite excerpts from the FAKE - Second Chances RPG (you find both in the "Links" section).
I began to create a list of my favorite chapters in "A New Day" and "Justice" by Brit_Columbia so that I can find them faster in the future. Once I've found one of them, I had to read it, naturally, hehe. (Hey, it was for a good, respectable purpose!). Well, and since many of them contain lemons, now I'm feeling all hot and charged with sexual energy - in a nice way, but still, I could really use a cold shower right now. Or, even better, the often praised "Sex Now!" button which would make Dee or Ryo (or both of them!) pop up in the middle of my bedroom.
Hey Brit, you invented this button, so why isn't it working? Please, come here and repair it right now!! After all, it's your fault that I need it in the first place!! D:
Okay, I'm stopping here, 'cause this is getting really silly. xD
(Hell, I need a boyfriend.)
Soooo... it's past 7 pm already and I guess I should get busy NOW if I plan on doing anything productive today (and not screw up my test tomorrow, which is by the way stealing my free hour at school -.-). Damn, the weekend went by way too fast. But what's new?
Btw, the sleepy creature on the photo is my beloved cat Steffi. Isn't she cute? :D
An emotionally mixed evening
Yesterday evening was quite... varied, concerning my emotions. At first, I had a silly fight with my sister. As a result, I was pissed at the whole world: the silly stamp machine for my train ticket didn't work, it was too cold, I was late for my concert practice... everything just sucked.
But then, while I stamped through the streets, fuming with anger, I spotted extraordinarily many guys in suits on my way. And I mean good looking guys! That lifted my mood a lot. I mean, men in suits? Hello?! Friggin awesome when they look gorgeous!
After music practice, I had only 15 minutes to get home, tidy up and clean up my room and prepare a sleeping place for my overnight visit because my sister told my friend that she could come earlier. So I felt really stressed and pissed off again.
Good that I have a funny cat because she managed to make me laugh again soon. I had just finished pulling the sheets over the mattress when suddenly, the cat who was in the room with me, was gone. It didn't take me long to realize what I had done: The poor stupid little creature had crawled unter the bedsheet while I was busily pulling it tightly over the bed, and now the cat was stuck under it! This made me laugh so hard that I nearly forgot to liberate Steffi again. Well, she was close to freaking out because she didn't find the exit, haha! So I quickly pulled the sheets off and released her.
Cats can be sooo clumsy!
Weekend! Phew!
I've been really, really busy lately so I'm really glad that it's finally friday. Originally, I wanted to use saturday and sunday to work on a new FAKE fanvideo (this one's gonna be really funny and awesome, trust me!), besides a ton of homework of course, but I won't have time for that, at least not today.
A good friend of mine is staying over tonight and we will watch "The Bourne Identity". I really hope it's gonna be good. (Probably, I'll want the two hottest guys to get together just like I did it yesterday during the theater at school. That was really cool, actually. The only thing that disappointed me was that prince Leonce married princess Lena in the end and not his awesome, funny companion Valerio. Sigh.)
However, now I have to go. Need to practice for a concert and then somehow turn the mess in my room into an actual sleeping place for me and my friend. Do you think I'm gonna make it in time...? ;)
Brit_Columbia is back!
Just stopped by to let you know how freaking excited I am that my favorite fanfiction author Brit_Columbia is back!!
I shrieked (in a good way) when I saw her update and read that the next chapter will come up soon! Oh I can't wait now, especially since she announced that it will have a lemon in it, haha. :D
But in the first place, I'm just extremely happy that she is well again. She wasn't feeling so well lately, doubted if she had any talent in writing (which she definitely has! You should check out her FAKE fanfiction in my section "Links". They are insane!!) so that's why there was no update for some time now. Oh, I'm so glad that she is back to writing and her old self again!
Well, I have to go now, the theater at school is waiting for me. My friends are acting in it, so I really shouldn't miss it!
Bye! (And don't forget to check out and support Brit_Columbia!)
H2O - Just add yaoi!
Today I had (again) a brilliant idea. I was thinking about H2O - Just Add Water, a TV series about three mermaids that I adored when I was younger (don't ask me why I was thinking about it to begin with - I mean, I wasn't interested in this series anymore since the third season finished, and that was already three years ago! Don't try to understand my inspiration, I don't get it either.^^)
However, so I was fantasizing about it while I was bored to death at school, and I suddenly realized how much Lewis and Zane, two boys from the series, actually remind me of Ryo and Dee! Which is why I'm telling you this anyway. ;)
Okay, so maybe Lewis' hair is a little too much on the blonde site and Zane's hair isn't totally black and their eye colours don't fit either (ok, so now you're wondering where I see the similarity at all), BUT it's not that they look totally different and their behaviour and character traits are just sooo similar!
In a nutshell, Lewis and Zane are the nerd and the jerk. *lol*
Lewis is good at school, even a bit nerdy, and talented especially in science. He is nice to everyone, helpful, polite, a bit shy and can concentrate very well on his work.
Zane, on the other hand, is a cool, loud-mouthed guy with attitude to spare. He's good looking and he knows that. Sometimes, he can be quite mean and annoying he often gets into fights.
So now, of course, I'm again addicted to the series all of a sudden. I really want to download all three seasons somewhere and try to make a video about Lewis and Zane (aka Ryo and Dee in real life). That would be soo cool! Do you know where I can get the episodes??
FAKE gets philosophical!
Woah! Last night, I had the weirdest dream ever! I dreamed of the meeting of my philosophy class (that actually took place last night, in the apartement of my teacher) and of the thousands and thousands of bookshelves there.
Not weird yet? Okay, I'll go on: In my dream, my good, old, conservative philosophy teacher had a MANGA in her bookshelf! About FAKE! Well at least I think that it was about FAKE. The blurb said something about a "new case for Ryo and Dee (Dee had an other name there, but I don't remember it) concerning mysteries about time and space". So there was quite a lot of philosophical and magical stuff in the storyline, but still, the plot was kinda the same as in the original manga. I think the manga of my philosophy teacher was only fanart, since the drawings didn't look exactly as the originals.
Anyway, of course I wanted to borrow the manga, since my teacher offered this to us, but suddenly she didn't want to give it away anymore. She said she needed it for another philosophy class which should take place today. So unfortunately, I could only take a quick glance in it *sigh*. But I remember two pictures there: One of them shows Ryo standing motionless in the rain and Dee standing in the foreground, motionless as well but without an umbrella, both looking at each other (I sketched it for you). Now I'm curious - what the hell is going on there? Why are they just staring at each other? Why isn't Ryo offering Dee to share his umbrella? And why is Dee so silent for a change?
The other image that I remember shows Ryo naked and tied up and apparently involved in some kind of arousing sex game. o.O Maybe I'll sketch it for you later too, hehe. ^_~ (Why the hell am I dreaming something like that?! Oh wait... I think I already know the answer to that question. ;D)
Well, so now I'm wondering: Does my philosophy teacher hide hardcore yaoi between her dead-serious Goethe-, Kant- and Freud-books? Was it even a doujinshi that she had drawn herself?
I know, it was only a weird dream, but still... it's not that unlikely, is it? I mean, even philosophy teachers just HAVE TO have some secrets... ;)
I've never known that there is so much FAKE fanart on Deviantart! It's amazing, a whole new source of pictures and even cosplay photos! I didn't know that there are so many FAKE fans out there and it makes me happy to see that I'm not the only one :) Well, many of the entries are already some years old... but however, I'm just glad that I have found so much more FAKE stuff.
When I discovered it yesterday, I was so hooked that I went to bed way too late. And today, after school and project work with some friends (we have to do a radioplay), I finally have some time to look through the artworks. There are sooo many!!
And now I'm finally a member of Deviantart. I've wanted to join for a long time, anyway, so if you're interested in my "art", just keep an eye out for RainbowFlowerGirl. That's my name. Cheesy, I know. -.- But I had no better idea.
Sooo... this post is getting way to long, I'll just finish here thereby I have more time to drool over some pictures before I have to head out again to join the barbeque party of my fellow philosophy students. (Ever heard of a philosophical steak?!)
Just let me give you a link to my Deviantart site and show you a really, really great cosplay photo (my favorite, actually) by TinyCrow, and I'm done! (You see the photo on the right. Awesome, isn't it? *-*)
Bye! :)